Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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The Bible - Video On Demand

Added 27 September 2006 View full list    Print version    
Several great shows from the award-winning 'EDGES with Mal Fletcher' TV series have just been added to the popular EDGES video-on-demand site.

The shows never before released on the site include the classic programme 'The Bible', which looks at the powerful history of this unique book and it's impact on cultures and language.

In the show, presenter Mal Fletcher looks at where the Bible came from and why it is still the world's best-selling volume.

Filmed in Copenhagen and London, the show also tells the fascinating stories of some of the courageous people who paid a high price to translate the Bible into English.

Other programmes recently added to the site include 'Celibacy' and 'Luther's Reformation'.

The 'Celibacy' film looks at the place of sex within a relationship and asks whether their are good reasons for saving sex for marriage.

'Luther's Reformation' takes the viewer to Wittenberg, the home of Martin Luther, and asks whether his legacy is still alive and well in the twenty-first century.

Watch EDGES online, and access transcripts and important research material, at

Keywords: EDGES | Celibacy | sex | the Bible | Luther | Reformation | TV | video on demand | Mal Fletcher | EDGES with Mal Fletcher |

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Wynne Lewis was a very dear friend of ours. We have many fond memories & we shall never forget him.
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Your websight is marvellous. Full of information for this generation. Great discussions & more. I am pastoring a church in India...
Sam, India

Mal Fletcher is amazing; you should hear him preach. It's incredible. He came to my church in Norwich, England and just blew us away.
Lazarus, UK

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