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Jesus Church Oslo Seeks Euro Revolution

Added 19 October 2006 View full list    Print version    
Oslo, the capital of Norway, has long been renowned for having an international influence which is out of proportion to its size.

The city has often played host to important political and trade negotiations and has more than once been the site for historic international agreements.

Mal Fletcher found on his recent return to Oslo that the city is seeing vibrant spiritual growth, with a combination of well-established, visionary churches and fast-growing, new churches.

The dynamic Jesus Church led by Stefan and Anne Christiansen is only five years old, but it is destined for great things. Linked as it is with the well-known Jesus Revolution Army and New Generation student outreach network, Jesus Church Oslo is led by a team of young people who are hungry to win their city with the Christian message – and to impact their region and change Europe as a whole.

Mal Fletcher preached in the Sunday service of Jesus Church, which is held in the historic Christiania Theatre in the middle of downtown Oslo. He then lectured for a day to entire student body and staff of the Jesus Revolution training school.

Stephan Christiansen is well-known throughout Scandinavia and other regions of Europe as a leader with an unusual pioneer gift. He pioneered the Jesus Revolution Army and the New Generation movement some years ago.

The Jesus Revolution training school now draws young people from many parts of Europe for intense discipleship and leadership training, while New Generation is rapidly spreading throughout much of the continent, with an emphasis on equipping students to reach their schools and universities for Christ.

The programme emphasises a high level of personal discipline built around Bible study, prayer and community outreach and the development of creative and impacting outreach. The daily schedule is, in some ways, based on the more effective aspects of the historic monastic movements, without taking young people out of the real world.

After his visit, Mal said: 'Stepan and Anna and their team are building something here that is truly unique.'

'Their work combines intensive discipleship training with passionate community outreach. The young people I met here are passionate about building God's kingdom across Western Europe.'

'I have known Stephan for around 10 years now and I am excited to see how his vision and influence have grown over these years. God spoke to me during my visit to the church and told me that within a year they would be way too big for their venue.'

For more on the work of Jesus Church, Jesus Revolution and the New Generation high school ministry, visit the following:, and .

Keywords: Oslo | Jesus Church | Jesus Revolution Arym | Ny Generation | New Generation | Stephan Christiansen | Mal Fletcher | News | Europe

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Dear Mal, please post me youth resource material. I'm a youth worker in the community & in schools as a volunteer. Thanks & God bless you!
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