GENERATIONS MasterClass England
The GENERATIONS MasterClass with Mal Fletcher visited southern England this week.
In a media-rich intensive training event, more than 100 leaders of churches, businesses and community groups were equipped and inspired to effectively bridge the gap between the major generations of our time.
Sponsored by Next Wave International and Kingdom Faith Church, Horsham, West Sussex, the event featured intensive teaching from Mal Fletcher, Director of Next Wave International, on the shaping influences on the Boomer, Generation-X and Millennial generations along with well-researched practical tips on how the strengths and interests of all three can be incorporated into any leadership vision.
Host of the event, Pastor Clive Urquhart, also presented a session on building a generational understanding into a local church ministry.
Many of the guests had driven three or four hours to be a part of this unique event.
Introducing the Friday evening and Saturday event, Clive Urquhart said: 'Mal Fletcher brings a very sharp prophetic voice, not just on the state and future of the church, but on the culture in which we live -- and what we must to do positively influence every sphere of society.'
At the end of the event, he added: 'Well, all I can say is that if your brain doesn't feel stretched about now, there's something wrong!'
MasterClass events have proven a great success over the past eight years, with major events in capital cities throughout Europe.
For more information about Next Wave International MasterClass events, visit
Get a taste of GENERATIONS MasterClass with Mal Fletcher's popular book, 'The Future is X', on the character and destiny of Generation X. See our webshop for book and e-book versions.
Keywords: Generations MasterClass | Master Class | MasterClass | Mal Fletcher | Next Wave International | Kingdom Faith | Boomers | Generation X | Millennial
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Great article, Mal! I placed a link to it on my blog today and have had very positive feedback from people who have read it.
Mark Connor, Australia
Mal, I'm from Germany but the last time we met was in Johannesburg during the Rhema Conference... I identify with what you are doing & hope it encourages to let you know that there are folks praying for you.
Ben, Germany
Your message, 'A REAL Christmas Story', has made it an awesome Christmas for us already...
Jim, Australia
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