Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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Actress Has Strange Encounter

Added 27 November 2006 View full list    Print version    

What motivates a German theatre and movie actress and director to spend many weeks of every year performing to audiences across the German-speaking world plays which feature Christian themes and heroes?

In an exclusive interview with Mal Fletcher, for the award-winning EDGES TV series, Mirjana Angelina explained how she got her start in theatre.

She also shared the story of a strange encounter which took place in a nightclub; an experience that ultimately changed the course of her life and career.

Visit the EdgesTV channel on YouTube for this and other great clips.

For the full interview, go to ('List all Shows'/'Special Edition: Wittenberg...')

Keywords: actress | german | angelina | mirjana | bedroom | edges | YouTube

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Man this site rocks! I get fired up on this site every week and challenged by the daily recharges, but the best thing is to see how you guys are finding ways to communicate Jesus to today's people in a way they can get it. I've got plenty of ideas from you for my service here in Japan. Keep it up!
Taneli, Japan

I was reading 'Not My Fault'. As a pastor I read your articles with great interest -- very insightful. Thanks for your prophetic voice to this Post Modern Generation.
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Reading your messages serves as gas for the fire of my spirit. You always keep the gospel where it belongs and needed most - the world and secular thought life.
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