Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Why I Believe In God

Added 04 July 2007 View full list    Print version    

More than a third of British young people now claim to be either atheists or agnostics.

Mal Fletcher, director of Next Wave International, says: 'I'm not so sure that more people are becoming athiests in their heart of hearts.'

'People deep down still long to believe that we're more than cosmic orphans alone in a meaningless and absurd universe.'

'But atheists are becoming more strident, even more evangelistic in their efforts to recruit others to their cause.'

In a powerful address to several thousand people at Hillsong Church, London, last week, Mal made the case for a rational belief in the God of the Bible.

In the session entitled 'Why I Believe in God', Mal said: 'Many people still hold that science is the bastion of atheism and naturalism; that it has no place for God.'

'Actually, they're behind the times. There is growing evidence in almost every field of contemporary science for a belief in the existence of a supreme being -- from cosmology and astronomy, to micro-biology and the study of human consciousness.'

In this session, in one of London's largest theatres, Mal looked at the different 'options' for belief in God among the world's leading religious faiths.

'In the end,' he said, 'what you discover about God comes down to what you do about Jesus Christ.'

'He took our concept of God to an entirely new level. No other religious leader or philosopher so fully answers the questions: "What is God like and, more importantly, is he interested in me?"'

Mal looked at the historical proofs for the existence of Jesus, and his impact on history -- and his unique claims as the Son of God.

After the session, scores of people responded to the challenge to accept Christ, for the first time.

This is a message for anyone who has friends claiming to be atheists or agnostics! It will equip you to better explain your faith AND it's a great presentation to pass on to friends, with great substance and intelligent presentation.

Why not download it and pass it on to a friend today?

Click here or visit the audio section of this site.

During the full weekend of Mal's speaking for Hillsong London and Paris, more than 200 people made commitments to Christ.

For more on Hillsong Church, London, visit

Keywords: atheism | atheist | agnostic | agnosticism | Richard Dawkins | Christopher Hitchens | Mal Fletcher

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I really appreciate this ministry! I think you are a very important tool in the world today & for Christians. I'm so encouraged by the teaching!!
Jonas Päivärinta

Mal, you and your team are doing an amazing job! It is a privilege to know you! Bless you and your family...
Mark & Tammy, Canada

Mal, I saw you at Hillsong London and since then have visited your site a few times. Really enjoy your work. Very useful insights and content.
Bernard, UK

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