Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Swiss Conference Breaks New Ground

Added 29 April 2010 View full list    Print version    
Switzerland rightfully rates as one of the most picturesque nations in the European region. It's mountains and countryside are often spectacular. Yet Switzerland faces some pressing social problems.

For example, it has one of the highest teen suicide rates in this part of the world and 50 percent of all marriages breakdown. It also has a major problem in the area of alcohol abuse, something it shares with many of its neighbours.

Within this environment, some very creative pioneer church groups are hungry to engage community needs as never before, to become the 'city on a hill' Jesus spoke about.

Mal Fletcher recently visited an annual summit of church and community leaders from across Switzerland, and beyond, and found a group who're committed to change in order to engage society more.

'This conference, a little outside Zurich, was a great experience,' said Mal. 'For me, it gave the sense that whilst churches have been fairly inward looking in the past, they're now starting to really want to engage in the mainstream life of their cities and nations.'

'Switzerland, of course, is not a part of the EU, which gives it a unique position. It is geographically at the centre of the European region, yet it remains distinct politically and economically.'

'I spoke to thise leaders extensively on the idea of the City on a Hill, and I could see at the start of our time together that some of the leaders weren't sure where I was taking them. By the end, though, they were asking me for more. Actually, I came away quite drained, but in a very good way!'

Mal shared in eight very intensive sessions in just two days, including one very positive question and answer time. This allowed people the opportunity to clarify points and get more from Mal about the thought process and practical experience behind his conclusions.

The annual summit is hosted by Pastor Peter Hassler, who leads a vibrant church in Zurich. Leaders at the conference also came from Italy, Germany, Ireland, France and other parts of Europe. Peter has attended the Strategic Leadership Consultation, hosted by Next Wave International, on several occasions. (This summit is coming up again next week, in Spain.)

Mal Fletcher adds: 'Though not large in number, this event was truly pan-European and there were some quite significant leaders in the room - I believe we're going to see some great outcomes from this in years to come.'

Keywords: switzerland | zurich churches | swiss churches | swiss church | churches in switzerland | churches in Zurich | peter hassler | slc | strategic leadership consultation

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Hi, thanks for the Mal Fletcher Daily Recharge!
Ray, New Zealand

Thank you for such wonderful and heartfelt words about John Paul II. He stood and still stands for all that is good, and his "Voice for Life and Hope" will resound forever.
Gloria, United States

I appreciated reading about the great visionary, Martin Luther King Jnr, in Daily Recharge...I'm an avid follower of Recharge, finding it to be a healing and refreshing meditation.
Kathy, United States

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