Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Mal Fletcher's Classic book The Pioneer Spirit is now available for instant download on the Kindle (simply search 'Mal Fletcher' in Kindle store).
'People of faith are not called to celebrate the past,' writes Mal, 'but to redesign the future - in line with higher values.'
'To do this, we need to think strategically, live passionately and release all of our creativity. For centuries, the church produced some of the most transformative pioneers the world has seen. It is time to re-dig those wells and release again the pioneer spirit.'
This book, a big favourite with leaders and emerging leaders in many countries, will help you to influence the future before it happens. It will help you to develop your creativity to the full, plan strategically and boldly respond to the secular culture in which you live.
For instant download, search 'Mal Fletcher' in your local online Kindle store.
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I'm so glad over your teachings. It gives me new inspiration! I hope that you are coming to Sweden sometime in the future? Jonas Päivärinta, Sweden
I enjoyed your program on aging. It's sad to see our young ones are not getting the opportunity to embrace aging and plan for it wisely. Thea, Dutch West Indies
I just wish that more people knew about your EDGES website. The world is dying to hear about such a message. Thank you! Gustave, USA