Next Wave International™

Leadership & Life

Some Things Never Change!
Ray Bevan

As we enter a new millennium, not just a decade or a century but a millennium, we find ourselves living in a unique generation.

While some of the older generation are still getting used to the 'New Money', we are all adjusting to digital TV, the microchip and internet shopping - what a generation! It seems there is nothing the hi-tech whiz-kids cannot do. Or is there?

Is there a microchip that can help you with grief, worry, loneliness and a broken heart? Can you surf the net and find an antidote for greed, lust, jealousy and hatred? These are the real reasons for the war, violence and poverty that are tearing half our world apart.

You see, whatever generation we live in there are some things that never change. On top of the list is the human heart. That's why whatever generation we live in, God's answer is still the same. You do not change a generation by changing its laws, environment or lifestyle, but by changing the human heart.

A father, while reading his newspaper noticed his son was bored while playing with his toys. The paper he was reading had a map of the world. He had an idea. He tore the paper up into small pieces, told his son to try and tape it back together like a jigsaw, thinking to himself three hours of peace. Within ten minutes the world had been skillfully put together.

Amazed, the father asked his son how he did it. The son answered, 'Well dad, on the other side of the page was a picture of a man. I don't know how to put the world together, but I do know how to put a man together.'

Some things never change. As we step into the New Millennium Christians everywhere must commit to go for the source of the real problems in our society, the human heart. The message of the gospel is the only thing that can do it.

What is the condition of your heart? Do you need a heart transplant? He's just one prayer away.

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