Next Wave International™


London04 Strategic Leadership Consultation

05 March 2004

This year, Next Wave International will once again help church leaders to extend their reach. The LONDON04 Strategic Leadership Consultation in May will play a major role.

More than ever before, Europe needs to hear the voice of the Christian church. A new church is emerging across Europe, a church that is bold and outrageously creative, relevant and prophetic, and committed to mass influence across nations.

Key leaders of 'new church' networks from across Europe will be invited to the LONDON04 summit which will focus on extending the reach of Europe's churches into secular society.

This year, for the first time, the consultation will incorporate the EYE network of youth leaders for the entire program. Two generations of Europe's 'leaders of leaders' will challenge one another and hear from experts in various fields of influence. The special focus will be extending the reach of the church through secular media.

The SLC/EYE meeting is one of the few places in Europe where leaders of major networks can come together with only one agenda: changing Europe's future through the gospel.

Invitations have been sent and we ask our partners to pray for this key event.

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