Next Wave International™


Copenhagen Pentecostal Church - A Tribute

12 September 2004

Mal and Davina Fletcher recently paid tribute to the Copenhagen Pentecostal Church, which has been their home church for the past nine years. 'This church was the first in Europe to support us in any significant way when we launched this mission,' said Mal. He paid tribute to the leadership of the church, headed by Jarle Tangstad the senior minister and to the members of the church who had helped to provide a positive environment for his family. Jarle particularly honoured Davina whom he described as 'a hero', for her willingness to take risks and to live with the challenges of a ministry such as this. Davina and the children had been active members, involved in various leadership roles, and the offices of Next Wave International™ were located within the Christian Culture Centre which is owned by the church.

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