Next Wave International™


Mal Fletcher Comedy

16 April 2008

There are certain words that should probably never go together in the English language...

Words like 'hamburger' and 'health food', or 'taste' and 'country music'...

But two words that definitely DO go together are 'Christian' and 'comedy'.

Sure, that will surprise a lot of people (maybe they need to pick their Christian friends more carefully!), but the Bible is full of talk about joy being our strength and laughter being like a medicine.

Besides, as Mal Fletcher says, 'If you don't believe God's got a sense of humour, take a look at the person next you right now!'

Check out the three comedy clips by Mal just added to our audio section!

Laugh along as Mal riffs comically on a well-known Bible story. Chuckle your way through his reminiscences about high school. And get happy as Mal talks about how people struggle to find just the right image.

All recorded in the Dominion, London.

While you're at it, send an email to a friend & spread the laughter...

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