Next Wave International™


Frugalistas - Limiting Consumption

09 July 2008

There's a new group of people emerging in middle-class European society - they're calling themselves the 'Frugalistas'

Basically, they're middle-class women who've taken to wearing second-hand clothes, cutting their own hair and growing their own food.

They're also very careful about how they use natural resources, and how they dispose of waste products.

Mal Fletcher, media commentator and director of Next Wave International, was recently asked about the Frugalistas in an interview with Fabulous Magazine - which claims to be the biggest selling weekly glossy for women in the UK.

'Frugality has its roots in a number of areas,' said Mal. 'Including the current credit crunch, environmental awareness and a realisation that extravagant lifestyles aren’t necessarily always the happiest ones.'

'I think frugality is a very positive trend.'

'It’s about people taking personal responsibility for their spending, and setting limits on their own behaviour as consumers.'

'Ecological awareness also has a huge role to play. Global issues have gone grassroots.'

'Nowadays our concern for the environment has crept into many of the decisions we make in our lives – what we wear, what we eat, and how we dispose of things.'

Read the full article on the 'Fabulous' website.

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