Next Wave International™


EDGES in Indonesia

29 March 2006

The award-winning EDGES TV programs will soon be seen across Indonesia.

A new Christian channel, called 'U Channel' is being launched on May 1, 2006, with key support from United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) International, Australian Christian Channel and Shine TV (New Zealand).

Denis Delaney of UCB International said recently: 'This is a response to a Macedonian call from Indonesian people who have been praying for the establishment of indigenous Christian TV in their nation for 10 years. Recent changes in legislation and establishment of commercial cable and satellite services has opened the way for Christian television in Indonesia.'

Initially U Channel will broadcast to a small number of cable households (under 100,000) in Jakarta. Eventually, though, the programs will be re-broadcast on regional UHF channels.

Indonesia is a nation of 250 million people. Responding to the launch, Mal Fletcher, executive producer and presenter of EDGES, said: 'We're delighted to support this project with our programs.'

'EDGES has received a very warm response in all the markets where it has been played over the past 10 years.'

'We hope that the entertaining and informative approach of EDGES will win a following in Indonesia as well.'

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