![]() www.nextwaveonline.com News Top 11 for 2011 - Recommended Reading 21 December 2011 ‘Take your brain for a long walk today… read a book!’ I’ve often tweeted lines like this, to try to encourage more people to read and to read more widely and well. Much of my work revolves around developing and inspiring leaders, as a keynote speaker around the world, and addressing major social issues via the media and press as a social commentator. One of the questions I most enjoy answering in Q & A sessions is this: ‘What do you read?’ I always take it as a compliment that people might be intrigued enough by what I say or write to enquire as to the background, or the material that at least gets my grey cells working. Below are the top eleven books I would recommend from my reading throughout 2011. I’ve left all novels, as well as other publications such as magazines and newspapers, all of which I consume rather a lot!But I think these titles should perhaps appear near the top of your list if you’re looking to increase your ability to innovate and to inspire others to do the same. They may also boost your understanding of where the world is and where it might be headed. Most of these are available through Amazon and other online outlets and from good bookstores - and you can read reviews on each one on those sites. A number will doubtless be available as e-books, though I’ve read the paper versions. Note: these titles are not listed in any particular order and, of course, I do not necessarily endorse everything each author has written. Happy reading! Mal Fletcher December 21, 2011
The Filter Bubble No Time to Think Switch: Start-Up Nation The Master Switch Rediscovering Values Justice The Shift An Optimist's Tour of the Future The Sky is not Falling The Rage against God
For NEW recommendations, follow Mal on Twitter: @malfletcher. Mal's predictions for 2012: 'Twelve Big Shifts for 2012'. www.nextwaveonline.com |