Next Wave International™


Strategic Consultation Maps New Direction For Europe

19 June 2008

With quality heads of church networks and major faith-based organizations attending from across Europe, plus some of the region's finest Christian futurists and strategists speaking, expectations were high for this year's Strategic Leadership Consultation in Spain.

However, the results in this special 10th Year Anniversary SLC were beyond expectations.

Sixty invited leaders - most of whom head up major church networks - gathered to look at the future of Europe, and to hear from speakers including Dr. Patrick Dixon, Europe's leading futurist, Dr. Joel Edwards, head of the Evangelical Alliance (UK) and Steve Chalke MBE, founder of Faithworks and Oasis Global.

Commenting on the event, founder and host of SLC Mal Fletcher said: 'We've had so much positive feedback from leaders following this event. SLC always gets people talking, but this year it's done this as never before.'

'One key European leader told us it was a complete "brain-stretch". Many others have told us that they've never encountered anything quite like this event. And leaders who've attended SLC over the years have said that this was the best we've had yet.'

'What was most pleasing for us, I think, was to see the quality of people in the room - and the generational mix. As usual, we had leaders of some of Europe's most progressive, resourceful and influential church networks and faith-based organizations - as well as some leaders whom I believe are emerging in that direction.'

You will be able to read, hear and see more from SLC08:MAINSTREAM on this site in coming weeks and months - stay tuned for video and audio clips.

SLC08:MAINSTREAM was filmed for later editing and release as a series of TV and webcast programmes. Watch this site for more news on that. The dates for SLC09, again in Spain, are set for May 7-9, 2009. SLC is an invitation-only event, but we welcome suggestions or recommendations as to people who might be considered for an invitation. If you have a suggestion, please write to:

For more on the SLC summit, click here.

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