Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

The Strategic Leadership Consultation (SLC)

The Strategic Leadership Consultation (SLC) is Europe's unique high-level, forward-looking Christian leadership summit, hosted annually by Next Wave International.

Brief History & Purpose

The Strategic Leadership Consultation (SLC) summit was pioneered by Mal Fletcher in 1997, as a means of bringing together leaders of major church networks across Europe for high-level talks on Europe's future and how it might be impacted by the Christian message.

Mal says, 'More than ever, the European church needs a vibrant voice that creatively engages the culture and reshapes it in a positive direction. The SLC event is all about addressing that challenge - with creativity, compassion and courage.'

The SLC2012: STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP summit, held in Spain, once again brought together significant church network leaders for a high-impact round-table event, helping them to redefine the aims and practical strategies of their churches and organisations. Guest contributors included Major General Tim Cross (ret), CBE and Jim Wallace AM, head of the Australian Christian Lobby.

Guest contributors in past SLC summits have included Professor Alister McGrath, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, Dr. Patrick Dixon, Dr. Joel Edwards, Dr. Tom Sine, Reinhard Bonnke, Dr. Tony Campolo, Gerald Coates, Winkie Pratney, Arthur Blessitt, Rev. Steve Chalke, MBE and more.

Following the 2006 SLC event, highlights were compiled into a special 6-part TV series which was seen around the globe.

The core purpose of the SLC events is to provide a forum for strategic discussions on engaging with Europe's future and changing it with the power of the Gospel, through strong local churches, networks of churches and national ministries.

The core goals are to:
  • develop new paradigms for thinking and action across Europe
  • encourage a vision for Europe
  • share ideas and resources to reach Europe
  • facilitate alliances to change Europe

Invitations to SLC

Each SLC event is open by invitation only. However, Next Wave International welcomes contact from church network and national ministry leaders who would are interested in receiving an invitation or learning more. Please contact Next Wave International:
    Telephone: +44(0)870-766-2660

Click here to read what key leaders say about SLC.

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Your Feedback
Your article about Daniel in Babylon is spot on. As 21st Century Christians our challenge is to find appropriate forums to join the conversation & refrain from adopting a defensive posture.
Tom Rawls, United Kingdom

Dear NWI, I am humbled by the wonderful work that you are doing especially in equipping leaders to carry the Gospel. We are working with evangelism, training & orphan support in Kenya.
Pastor Noah, Kenya

Thank you for your ministry. It encourages me to be bold, thoughtful and courageous about my faith.
Jason, Australia

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