Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Other Next Wave International Websites
EDGES™ with Mal Fletcher
Catalyst with Mal Fletcher
Change 2020

Affiliated Websites
2020Plus: the think tank on social change & leadership

Affiliated Organisations
Edge Church International, Australia & UK
Australian Christian Channel
Vivid Broadcast, UK
TV7 Finland
Gospel Life Center, Germany
Kingdom Faith Church, UK
Hillsong Church London, UK
Authentic Media, UK
Shine TV, New Zealand
Cross Rhythms Radio, UK

Recommended Churches
For a full list of good churches, see our 'Good Churches' section

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BBC News
CNN Europe
Mal Fletcher Media Appeal
Austerity - Are Governments Wrong? Mal on BBC
Should Sunday Trading Be Extended? Mal on BBC
Racism vs Racial Identity - Mal on BBC
Are Churches Playing Big Brother? Mal on Premier Radio
Chips Under The Skin & Bio-Hacking - Mal on ABC Radio
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Your Feedback
I'm so glad over your teachings. It gives me new inspiration! I hope that you are coming to Sweden sometime in the future?
Jonas Päivärinta, Sweden

Great article, Mal! I placed a link to it on my blog today and have had very positive feedback from people who have read it.
Mark Connor, Australia

This website & the content & especially the fresh approach to ministry are opening new worlds to me! Thanks for burning the box into which I tend to lock my thinking.
Elrich, South Africa

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