Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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27 July 2024 Print version    PDA version    
Nehemiah 9:6 'You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.' (NIV)

You don't have to be a Trekkie fan to know that there are things out there in our vast universe about which we've never even dreamed! Biologists are already aware that there are life forms deep under the oceans of planet earth that we've never encountered. The heavens above and the seas below are filled with awesome creativity that is, for now at least, beyond our gaze. Sometimes, it is good for us to reflect on just how amazing is the One whom we serve. We sometimes complain and grumble about the hand life has dealt us. We try to control everything around us and we think that our knowledge is so exhaustive. The truth is, at the end of the day we know very little: our understanding is sketchy at best. The Lord oversees vast sweeps of creation that are way beyond our reach. What's more, above the physical realm is the supernatural, heavenly realm and there, too, God has created marvels and wonders beyond our imagination. He commands the host of heaven. Hordes of angelic beings, superior to us in intelligence and majesty, worship him. For all their own personal glory, they love nothing more than demonstrating their total loyalty to his wishes. Their greatest desire is to please and delight him. Think about it: the God that you and I call friend, the One whom Jesus said we can address as 'Abba (daddy), Father', in the most intimate of ways, is also the God of the physical universe and the heavenly universe as well. He preserves everything he has made, watching over the very details of his creation at every level. You can be sure of one thing: his eye is one even the smallest detail of your situation, and his power can certainly handle the answer to every part of your need.

Prayer: 'Father, I am sometimes awestruck when I realise just how amazing your works are. You've done so much, made so much that I know nothing about. And you preserve everything by your love and power. I know that you will keep me today!'

© 2003-2004 Mal Fletcher

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Iron sharpens Iron. Even though your Daily Recharge sometimes wakes me up quicker than coffee, I love the "sharp" way you work for God.
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Mal,every morning at the office I start my day with your thought provoking Daily Recharge. It is really recharging for the day ahead!!! God bless you!!!
Christo, Bulgaria

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