Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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The Workspace Revolution

Mal Fletcher
Added 23 August 2021
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Are Offices On The Way Out?

Teamwork, wrote Andrew Carnegie, is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

The Covid-19 pandemic has wrought huge changes to the working habits of millions, perhaps billions, of people worldwide.

For example, commuting and office work have been hit hard by Covid19. Before the pandemic, more than 20 percent of European workers spent 90 minutes or more commuting to and from work. That will definitely change for the post-Covid generation. 

In a Europe-wide study earlier this year, 34 percent of people surveyed said they’d be willing to accept a lower paid job if it meant they could continue to work from... Click for more

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Your Feedback
Thanks so much for visiting Speak The Word Church International (Minneapolis). I am a baby boomer who sat with a GenXer - we both knew that what you said was right on. It made me think. I like that.
Norma Buchanan, United States

Thanks Mal for helping us see the US gun laws issue from an ethical perspective. Our right to possess guns (or any other right, for that matter) is surely insignificant when compared to our responsibility to preserve life.
Ann, Australia

Mal, it was a great honor to have you here at The Living Room USA for Masterclass. It has opened up a whole new dimension to our vision...Thanks so much for all the valuable material here on your website. We promise to put it to good use.
Kevin, United States

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