Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Category: Social Issues

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Robotics, Biotech & The Need To Stay Human

By Mal Fletcher, added 05/05/2004
Category: Social Issues

Privacy In The Age Of Big Brother

By Mal Fletcher, added 17/04/2004
Category: Social Issues

Occult And Witchcraft: Illumination Or Deception?

By Mal Fletcher, added 14/01/2004
Category: Social Issues

Euthanasia: Against The Spirit Of Jesus

By Mal Fletcher, added 15/12/2003
Category: Social Issues

Terrorism - What's It All About?

By Mal Fletcher, added 28/02/2003
Category: Social Issues

Revelation Power… In The Age Of Pragmatism

By Mal Fletcher, added 05/08/2001
Category: Social Issues

Ecstasy - Friend Or Foe?

By Mal Fletcher, added 30/10/2000
Category: Social Issues

Sex - Why Wait?

By Mal Fletcher, added 05/09/2000
Category: Social Issues

What's Love Got To Do With It?

By Mal Fletcher, added 20/05/2000
Category: Social Issues

The Poison Of Porn

By Mal Fletcher, added 29/02/2000
Category: Social Issues

Suicide: Recognising The Warning Signs

By Mal Fletcher, added 21/10/1999
Category: Social Issues


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Austerity - Are Governments Wrong? Mal on BBC
Should Sunday Trading Be Extended? Mal on BBC
Racism vs Racial Identity - Mal on BBC
Are Churches Playing Big Brother? Mal on Premier Radio
Chips Under The Skin & Bio-Hacking - Mal on ABC Radio
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Your Feedback
I've been in Spain since 1990 & believe our Lord is giving a second chance to this county. They call Spain the missionary´s cemetery, but I believe that God still wants to reach Spanish people.
Gustavo Nova, Spain

Thank you for your article on Setting Your Sights on Revelation Not Human Motivation. It's rare to find a great revelation like this. I will keep checking here every month for your leadership series.
Michael, Australia

Hey Mal, I'm blessed to come across this site. I believe it was a plan of God to hear you. I'm a leader in our church in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Be blessed!
Sindile, South Africa

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