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Austerity - Are Governments Wrong? Mal on BBC

Added 04 October 2015 View full list    Print version    
Is the British government right to apply austerity policies? What pre-conditions should be applied when governments make large cuts to public spending?

Many vocal protestors against austerity policies are Christians from the left of politics. Should religion and politics mix in this way? How do people from the conservative side of politics view austerity measures?

On a Sunday when up to 80,000 people are expected to march through Manchester, calling for an end to cuts, social futurist Mal Fletcher discussed these issues with BBC Manchester's Mike Shaft.

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Edges Team: your work is outstanding! Your programs have already changed my view of evangelism. Thanks for Making God Famous TODAY!
Elena, Riga

I have just been put on to your website and just read your article about the London bombings. Thank you. I am going to be passing the site on to friends who I know want to hear a good, well written report.
Diane, UK

Mal visited our Church today. I wanted to meet him, but I was working the camera. I'm a 16yr old Christian writer & currently some of my work is in the youth version of "Everyday with Jesus". Please check out my blog
Ryan Lane, United Kingdom

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