Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Next Wave International is a powerful mission to Europe.
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Pop-Singer Lives For More Than Celebrity

From 'EDGES' Episode 'Branding & Celebrity'

Celebrity is not all it's cracked up to be. Yet, despite the many pitfalls in the celebrity culture, it can be used to serve higher goals. In a special 'Short Story' from the 'Edges with Mal Fletcher' TV programmes, a young Aussie pop-singer describes her quest for excellence and the importance of believing in something bigger than yourself.

The Elderly Are People Too!

From 'EDGES' Episode 'The Anti-Ageing Industry'

In our youth-oriented society, the elderly often feel overlooked - and many actually are. Getting old is not something most people look forward to. Yet some young people see caring for the elderly as a calling, a voication. Their stories are often inspirational. One such story is featured in the clip above. It comes from the 'EDGES with Mal Fletcher' programme 'The Anti-Ageing Industry'.

Teaching Jail-Birds To Sing

From 'EDGES' Episode 'Crime & Punishment'

In many parts of the world, public debate about crime and punishment is growing. In the midst of all the talk, some young leaders are taking it on themselves to invest time and energy in lifting prisoners into another place. This is the story of one such person, featured in the 'EDGES with Mal Fletcher' programme on 'Crime and Punishment'.

German Actress/Director Has Supernatural Experience

From 'EDGES' Episode 'Special: Wittenberg - The Reformation'

Renowned German actress, writer and director Mirjana Angelina describes her career in theatre and how she has been able to bring to life on stage the lives of some of history's most colourful people of faith. And how, as a young actress living the high life she had a strange experience in a nightclub that changed her life forever.

More Short Stories Coming Soon

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Your Feedback
After having a hard time talking with God one morning, I read to your Daily Recharge and suddenly felt God was speaking to me from the screen. Wow!!
David, Sweden

Thanks for your visit to St. Louis & the thoughtful messages you brought. I am challenged to be a city on a hill, and to not be hidden. Perhaps on your next visit, you could join in the push-up contest or drive the motorcycle. Best wishes for continued success.
John, United States

Mal, a massive thanks from a baby boomer & a gen-Xer who had the priviledge of being inspired by you at the ALC Leadership Academy. You have really helped make sense of the world that we are seeking to influence...
Nigel & Christine, United Kingdom

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