Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Books & e-Books  |  Online Articles  |  Magazine Articles and Interviews

Books & e-Books
Mal Fletcher has written several books on culture and leadership, many of which have been, and continue to be, translated into other languages. His continuing Making God Famous™ series seeks to inspire, challenge and equip Generation X adults to engage with their postmodern culture and influence it more than it influences them.

Many of our most popular titles are also available in downloadable e-Book format.

"There are some who merely watch things happen, as the saying goes, and some who make things happen; the observers and the activists. But every now and then you come across a man with the unique ability to do both; he who both sees with a prophet's eye what is going on in a world and has the giftings to affect it with power. Mal Fletcher is one of these men. He is a thinker, an artist, a life-long student of the ever-changing culture of the Western world, and above all a man who loves God and loves people."
Winkie Pratney

For more information about Mal's books and e-Books, including excerpts from each book, visit our Products section.

Online Articles
There is an extensive range of online articles written by Mal Fletcher and other authors in the Resources section of this website. Many of Mal's articles also appear on the websites of other organisations including Relevant Magazine and Australian Christian Channel.

Magazine Articles and Interviews
Mal regularly writes feature articles for a number of popular Christian magazines in Europe and abroad, including Cross Rhythms, TV4Life, Joy Magazine, Leadership NOW and In Spirit.

He is often interviewed regarding social issues and Christian faith. For some examples, see GOD TV Guide (PDF 38 KB), Sight Magazine, Christian Today and Youth Alive UK.

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Mal Fletcher Media Appeal
Austerity - Are Governments Wrong? Mal on BBC
Should Sunday Trading Be Extended? Mal on BBC
Racism vs Racial Identity - Mal on BBC
Are Churches Playing Big Brother? Mal on Premier Radio
Chips Under The Skin & Bio-Hacking - Mal on ABC Radio
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Your Feedback
Mal, thanks for sacrificing your spare time to visit us at Newcastle CLC! Your insight into our current culture & your passion for acting upon the calling of Christ on our lives has inspired a young church in one of the best parts of Europe!
David Wright, United Kingdom

I first came across EDGES in 2000 on a dismal Sunday night in a hotel room in Copenhagen & it really lifted my spirits. So I'm going to watch series 6...
Tony Gibbs, United Kingdom

Hi Mal, just wanted to say thanks for the awesome word of God you preached at Faith Camp, it really blessed my life!
Ross, United Kingdom

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