Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Same Sex Marriage Bill

Mal Fletcher on BBC Radio
Added 11 February 2013
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Is the British government premature in pushing for same sex marriage?

What might the bill mean for other areas of the law? What are the implications for freedom of conscience issues (including religion)? And what about the politics of the current situation?

Mal Fletcher discusses this controversial subject with Bill Heine on BBC Radio.

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I'm impressed by the content/style of EDGES. The program is topical and very realistic about the issues we face.

Hi Mal, I thank God for your ministry gifting. I find your talks to be most relevant & refreshing. You challenge apathy & have your finger on the pulse of current world issues.
Christopher, United Kingdom

I started watching Edges on GOD TV. Very inspiring & informative programming. May God raise more creative missionaries like Mal Fletcher.
Joseph, India

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