Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Prison and Parental Responsibilities

Mal Fletcher on BBC Radio
Added 10 January 2014
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A 58 year old British man has been convicted of selling drugs but given a suspended sentence because he is a stay-at-home father to his twenty-second child, by 11 women.

Should people in this situation be able to avoid custodial sentences on the pretext of raising a child? What is the implication of this case on wider community perceptions about justice and parental and personal responsibility?

Social commentator Mal Fletcher, chairman of 2020Plus, addresses this and other questions in this interview for BBC Radio. Mal is speaking with Mike Parr.

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Dear Mal, I was introduced to your ministry through Rhema Church, Jo'burg. In this age of confusion you bring across a lot of sense. You are giving me tools and insight.
Dietana, South Africa

You are right that we often shrink back from fully expressing our convictions because it puts us "out there". We must realise that the world looks at us at the same time as they hear us. We must learn the lessons & press on.
Eme, United Kingdom

I would pay any cost, and travel any distance to attend these MasterClasses! Absolutely essential material for any leader!
Jonathan, United Kingdom

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