Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has just published its first edition after the tragic attacks in Paris.
The cover features another drawing of the Muslim Prophet Muhammed. Is this inflammatory? Should other media and press outlets republish the cover? What is the balance between freedom of expression and exercising restraint in the immediate wake of a tragedy?
Mal Fletcher answers these questions and more in this interview with BBC Radio's Mike Parr.
(To listen to Mal's other BBC interviews on this subject, click here and here.)
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Everyday this week God has spoken directly into my situation through Daily Recharge! God bless the work you're doing. Sarah, United Kingdom
I met Mal almost 20 years ago here in Melbourne, Australia. I studied under him at Harvest BibleCollege. It was an amazing time; I got a lot out of it. You're an inspiration Mal... trina, Australia
Since discovering the Edges documentaries and the way Christian faith relates to hot topics, my faith has grown. Don't stop doing what you do - you do it well! Riikus, UK