Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
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Britain's First Election Debate
Was Britain's first ever general election leaders' debate a case of style over substance?
Mal Fletcher discuss w/ Jon Bellamy on Cross Rhythms Radio.

Added 23/04/2010

Are Christians Persecuted in Britain - AUD
Mal Fletcher is interviewed by Stephen Austin for ABC Radio National in Australia.

Added 13/04/2010

Sexualising Children - Thought For The Week
Are children being forced to grow up too quickly? Is the sexualisation of media and culture generally destroying childhood?
Mal Fletcher presents Thought for the Week on BBC Manchester's Sunday programme.
For more from BBC Manchester:
click here.

Added 03/03/2010

Why Social Commentary?
What's the point of social commentary? Why do you work as a social commentator with the media?
Mal Fletcher is interviewed by BBC Manchester's Mike Shaft.
For more from BBC Manchester:
click here.

Added 03/03/2010

Bullying At Number Ten
Is bullying happening at the top of UK government? What does this say about leadership today?
Mal Fletcher is interviewed by BBC Manchester's Mike Shaft.
For more from BBC Manchester:
click here.

Added 02/03/2010

Mal Fletcher Does The Newspapers
Mal Fletcher is an avid newspaper reader. What's in the newspapers that catches his eye? (Sunday papers review, early March 2010.)
Mal Fletcher is interviewed by BBC Manchester's Mike Shaft.
For more from BBC Manchester:
click here.

Added 02/03/2010

Are National Apologies Healthy?
Some national political leaders have taken to making apologies on behalf of wrongs done in history - is this a healthy development?
Mal Fletcher is interviewed by BBC Manchester's Mike Shaft.
For more from BBC Manchester:
click here.

Added 01/03/2010

What's Your Big Challenge To Leaders?
What's the big challenge facing leaders right now - in business, church and other organizations?
Mal Fletcher is interviewed by BBC Manchester's Mike Shaft.
For more from BBC Manchester:
click here.

Added 01/03/2010

How Did You Come To Faith?
How did you come to faith? What's your backstory?
Mal Fletcher is interviewed by BBC Manchester's Mike Shaft.
For more from BBC Manchester:
click here.

Added 28/02/2010

Youth Alive: What's The Story?
What's the story behind the phenomenon that was & is Youth Alive Australia? Does this kind of movement have relevance in Europe?

Mal Fletcher is interviewed by BBC Manchester's Mike Shaft.

Added 28/02/2010

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Should Sunday Trading Be Extended? Mal on BBC
Racism vs Racial Identity - Mal on BBC
Are Churches Playing Big Brother? Mal on Premier Radio
Chips Under The Skin & Bio-Hacking - Mal on ABC Radio
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Your Feedback
Mal, love EDGES and loved hearing you speak at Hillsong London, it was awesome.
Zac, UK

I want to thank you for your wonderful devotions. They help guide my walk with Christ. God bless you and your work.
Cheryl, United States

Loved listening to you today when you came to St Louis family Church! It's so important to engage the world we are living in, thanks for the reminder.
Rue, United States

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