Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
What Is EDGES?  |  What is Club25?  |  EDGES 6 Clip  |  EDGES 6 Blog



A Global Evangelism Project

There's never been a need for global evangelism like there is today. Increasingly, the church is investigating new forms of outreach for a new age.

Mal Fletcher and the EDGES TV team have pioneered a new path in outreach to people who cannot be reached in any other way than through modern electronic media. EDGES will shortly launch on Turkish and Indonesian platforms, reaching two of the world's major Muslim nations. EDGES Club25 gives Christians and church and business leaders the opportunity to partner with Mal for the completion of EDGES series 6, ten programmes dealing with some of the hottest issues of our time. You can become an active part of a global evangelism effort that has already helped people rethink their response to Jesus and his message -- across the nations.

  • Accessible in 200 nations
  • Viewed in 100 nations via the internet
  • Reaching people who do not think themselves religious
  • Targeted at the 20-35 generation, the cutting edge of society
  • Equipping Christians to respond to real issues
  • Part of a commitment to changing how Christians are seen in media
  • Speaking where people listen!

    EDGES Club25…
  • 25 Churches, Businesses, Ministries & Organisations
  • Investing just £500 GBP
  • To help produce EDGES series 6: ten programmes dealing with some of today's toughest issues, including Warfare in the Age of Hi-Tech, The Genetics Industry, The Cashless Society and more...
  • And reach into 200 nations on TV (and 100 on the internet)

    YOU GET…
  • to reach people in 200 nations (including largely unevangelized areas) through one missions investment. (Remember, each programme will be repeated a number of times around the world).
  • your church name mentioned in the credits for the full series of ten EDGES programmes - seen, with repeated screenings, by people around the world.
  • your church/business/organisation name mentioned on Next Wave International websites, which are accessed by thousands of people in 120 nations.
  • to be openly associated with a very cool presentation of the gospel!
  • a complimentary copy of the award winning pilot for EDGES series 6 (Crime and Punishment, not yet seen on TV) plus other offers over time.


    My church/business/organisation would like to be a part of EDGES Club25 and help produce EDGES series 6 for broadcast around the world.

    Please contact me by email with details on how to proceed...


    See the full Club25 Brochure (pdf). Click here.

    Watch the EDGES 6 Clip -- Sampler for series 6 (WMV stream, 2 mins). High or Low version.

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    The Daily Recharge has really changed my life!
    Nosi Mayan, South Africa

    Mal, you and your team are doing an amazing job! It is a privilege to know you! Bless you and your family...
    Mark & Tammy, Canada

    Thanks a lot for a great site. As a pastor serving in a postmodern culture I've at last found some tools to use and learn from. I hope this website will serve others as well as it have been serving me.
    Anders, Sweden

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