Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

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Coalition Government: A Possible Model for Cohesion

By Mal Fletcher, posted 13/05/2010

Election By TV: Where's The Conviction?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 30/04/2010

Elections: Engaging The Young

By Mal Fletcher, posted 21/04/2010

TV Debates: Good for Politics or Just for TV?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 16/04/2010

Persecution Of British Christians? Hardly

By Mal Fletcher, posted 01/04/2010

TV: Will We Still Be Watching In 2020?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 19/03/2010

Invictus - What Real Heroes Look Like

By Mal Fletcher, posted 05/03/2010

Sexualising Children - Too Old Too Fast

By Mal Fletcher, posted 23/02/2010

Alcohol Abuse & Flimsy Re-Education Drives

By Mal Fletcher, posted 16/02/2010

Dissent At The Top Is Not Disloyalty

By Mal Fletcher, posted 05/02/2010

Politics: Too Much Speed, Too Much Comment

By Mal Fletcher, posted 18/01/2010

Are We Becoming Wimps?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 09/01/2010

Binge Buying

By Mal Fletcher, posted 03/01/2010

Copenhagen Climate Summit: Spin Over Substance

By Mal Fletcher, posted 19/12/2009

Climate Change - Herd Mentality?

By Mal Fletcher, posted 03/12/2009

PDA version   

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Your Feedback
Mal, I'm from Germany but the last time we met was in Johannesburg during the Rhema Conference... I identify with what you are doing & hope it encourages to let you know that there are folks praying for you.
Ben, Germany

Hi, we use Edges DVDs at events for non-christians.
Ursula, United Kingdom

Man this site rocks! I get fired up on this site every week and challenged by the daily recharges, but the best thing is to see how you guys are finding ways to communicate Jesus to today's people in a way they can get it. I've got plenty of ideas from you for my service here in Japan. Keep it up!
Taneli, Japan

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