Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Over the past few years, the Strategic Leadership Consultation and the EYE Network have both become a key part of the lives of some very significant leaders. These events bring together apostolic leaders of church and youth networks, for meetings that combine prayer, strategic planning, ideas exchanges and powerful ministry time. This year's meetings in Spain drew major national leaders from more than 12 nations. We were especially blessed to have evangelist Reinhard Bonnke as our special guest. If the post-modern generations of Europe are going to be impacted again with the gospel, major church and network leaders will need to build strong and lasting alliances. Resources will need to be shared. Planning is well underway for the networks in Amsterdam, May 2003.
I'm in the British Army and a very strong practicing Christian. Everything inside me is screaming ... we are now having to have multi-faith prayer rooms. Where will it end? Dawn, United Kingdom