450 Million People - Do You Want a Part in Reaching Them?
If, as Newsweek recently declared, Europe is the emerging world superpower, we can't let this time pass without re-digging the wells of Christian influence in Europe. Many Christians and church leaders are looking for an opportunity to invest in outreach and leadership development that is really putting points on the board for the gospel. By God's grace, Next Wave International is making a difference in many nations across Europe – and, in 2003, we will be pushing the envelope even more, to bring the gospel to whole communities that would never hear otherwise – especially in the huge Gen-X adult generation. You and your church or organization can be a part of every event, every TV program and every new initiative of Mal Fletcher and Next Wave. For details on our vision and strategy, and how to join with us, go to the SUPPORT and ABOUT NWI pages on this website.
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Dear Mal, I saw you some years ago in Lisbon. I was deeply blessed by your prophetic spirit for the nations. I'm especially moved by your messages that speak about being an influence in our world...
Paulo Batista, Portugal
Mal, I just wanted to thank you for visiting Abundant Life and RN06. I am a psychiatrist in the NHS and agree very much with what you were saying about the secular services coming to us in 20 years for advice on how to do things. A group of us are starting a ministry to be ready to be asked!
Rob, United Kingdom
Great to hear those 80s songs (that blessed so many back then). 'To share God's love in music and word' is a great calling. I guess there's no time for a new album?!
Ann, Australia
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