Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
If, as Newsweek recently declared, Europe is the emerging world superpower, we can't let this time pass without re-digging the wells of Christian influence in Europe. Many Christians and church leaders are looking for an opportunity to invest in outreach and leadership development that is really putting points on the board for the gospel. By God's grace, Next Wave International is making a difference in many nations across Europe – and, in 2003, we will be pushing the envelope even more, to bring the gospel to whole communities that would never hear otherwise – especially in the huge Gen-X adult generation. You and your church or organization can be a part of every event, every TV program and every new initiative of Mal Fletcher and Next Wave. For details on our vision and strategy, and how to join with us, go to the SUPPORT and ABOUT NWI pages on this website.
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Passion: I think it flew out the window the moment political correctnes reared its ugly head! So much in the world today is bland and lacking in intensity but I don't want to calm down! Ann, Australia
It was great to hear Mal teach at our church last night, he really made me think outside the box. His message was challenging and educational. A big thank you to everyone at Next Wave for all you do. Darran, United Kingdom
I want to thank you for your wonderful devotions. They help guide my walk with Christ. God bless you and your work. Cheryl, United States