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New Church Aims to Break Ground in Denmark

Added 25 March 2003 View full list    Print version    
In northern Europe, church planting is often a subject for discussion, but it is not always a subject for action!

A new church in Aarhus, Denmark, aims to become a focal point for training and releasing church planters across northern Europe and the nations beyond.

The Aarhus Living Word church, 'planted' out of Living Word in Bergen, Norway, is to be the centre for a new church planting school which will bring in young men and women for training in starting new works across Europe.

The church and school are part of the vision of Pastor Enevald Flaten, leader of Living Word in Bergen which is now the fastest growing church in Scandinavia and a core partner with Next Wave International.

Other church groups, including the pentecostal churches, are seeing growth in Denmark and there is great openness to the gospel in parts of the community, something that was not the case just a few years ago.

Mal Fletcher preached in the new church recently and said later: 'What is significant is that we have here a church bringing together the combined efforts of people in two nations -- Norway and Denmark. I believe that this is the way of the future in Europe. The need is so huge that no one national denomination or network will be able to respond on its own...'

'Where much of Europe's church scene has been afflicted with church politics, leaders are now being challenged by the Lord to work together, without compromising their own vision. The fact is, Europe cannot be changed if we keep ourselves to ourselves and refuse to work for the wider interests of the kingdom of God.'

'I am going to watch this new church plant with great interest. I know Enevald's heart and he has proven in Bergen that he is able to break through where others say it can't be done!'

Enevald Flaten will be part of Next Wave's leadership MasterClass in Trondheim, June 2-6. For more on that, go to:
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Your Feedback
I read Mal Fletcher's comment on the Jokela Shooting in Finland. He seems to be very well educated on the Finnish mentality... I got saved earlier last year & before I knew God I was in darkness & used to have same kind of thoughts this shooter had. I can only pray that God will heal this country with his Spirit.
Matti, Finland

Hey! This Kiwi stumbled onto your EDGES TV program on the Cashless Society. It was truly good.
Merv, New Zealand

Man this site rocks! I get fired up on this site every week and challenged by the daily recharges, but the best thing is to see how you guys are finding ways to communicate Jesus to today's people in a way they can get it. I've got plenty of ideas from you for my service here in Japan. Keep it up!
Taneli, Japan

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