Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Moves to see Edges on Major US TV Outlets

Added 16 April 2003 View full list    Print version    
When you say the words 'Christians on TV', most people immediately think of programs featuring preachers. 'EDGES with Mal Fletcher' represents a very different kind of Christian presence on TV and one that's attracting increasing interest in many corners of the world.

EDGES presents positive Christian responses to social, moral and lifestyle issues in a colourful, entertaining and thought-provoking magazine format. Filmed in some of Europe's most beautiful cities, EDGES can now be seen in over 190 countries worldwide via satellite, cable and mainstream terrestrial TV.

However, the team that produces the program has one overriding goal: to speak where people listen... And that means establishing a strong presence on major free-to-air networks -- especially in Europe and the USA.

During April, Mal Fletcher, presenter and executive producer of the show, spent two days at the Tulsa headquarters of BMC Advertising, one of America's leading Christian-based agencies. The discussions centred around seeing EDGES reach a wider audience and the need to break through the 'wall of paid-braodcasting'.

At present, most Christian-based broadcasting is given airtime only because ministries buy the time (at sometimes very high prices) -- especially in the US. Mal and the EDGES team, however, aim to compete on the same TV turf as any other production. EDGES is high quality and stands shoulder to shoulder against any other production in the secular arena (it's actually better than many).

Ben Ferrell, owner and managing director of BMC says, 'Mal Fletcher, in his Edges series television programs, is effectively reaching the Generation X audience in a way few others have had the talent, foresight, or anointing to do. His selfless efforts to produce quality Christian programming that doesn't compromise Truth is truly a pioneering venture - one worth supporting, and an example worth following.'

After the meetings in Tulsa, Mal said, 'We'd ask all our Christian friends out there to pray with us that the Lord would help BMC as they seek to break through to see quality Christian programming given an equal footing with other material on TV. We're not asking for special treatment -- we're producing something that meets all the quality criteria, AND it's great to watch! We're making good TV for TV, not just shooting church.'

You can watch EDGES programs, on subjects ranging from terrorism to euthanasia to time management, online at
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I get really inspired by the Daily Recharge.
Matthew, Australia

The Daily Recharges are great. They always minister life and wisdom to me!

Mal, I would like to congratulate you for your TV show, I find it very interesting and informative.
Juan, Denmark

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