Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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Getting Smart in New Zealand

Added 19 August 2003 View full list    Print version    
The beautiful nation of New Zealand has sent out some very significant Christian leaders over the years.

Now, God is raising up a new breed to touch the nations. The Get Smart 03 conference, held in July, brought together more than 2000 young people over four cities across the nation. The emphasis was on mobilizing young Christians to live radically and heroically for Christ.

The event is the brainchild of Andrew and Janine Kabala, who pioneered it in the mid-90s. Mal Fletcher was one of the main speakers this year, flying almost every day to a new venue in Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington.

Andrew first heard Mal in the early 90s, during a summer school of youth ministry in New Zealand and was inspired. Scores of young people were saved in the event which also featured speakers like Russell Evans (PlanetShakers and Youth Alive Aust.), Glenn Berteau (USA), Jurgen Matthesias (CCC, Australia).

Mal said, 'I was impressed with the passion of Andrew and his team for the emerging generation in their nation. They have done something that others have said couldn't be done, by just being obedient to the Lord. Pray for them!'
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Mal, did you start out as a journalist? You are one of the most naturally gifted writers whose works I have had the pleasure of reading. I just love your succinct way of delivering words that paint a captivating picture.
Jim, Australia

I read your Daily Recharge devotions nearly everyday and it really encourages my spirit.
Elaine, Australia

Great site. God bless your work.
Jan, Norway

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