Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Hope City Church Redefining a Culture!

Added 06 November 2003 View full list    Print version    
At the end of October, Mal Fletcher spoke at a two-day event for Hope City Church, Sheffield, England.

The church was pioneered twelve years ago by Pastors Dave and Jenny Gilpin. These two arrived with very little resource, and very few local contacts. They came standing on a word from God. Today, they lead one of the most creative and influential churches in this region of the UK.

Hope City own and operates a huge community complex known as the MegaCentre. The centre is home to a variety of programs that are meeting various needs in the community.

Situated in a city that includes two universities with a total population of 50,000 students, the church is attracting many students, and much of its leadership is drawn from the GenX 20s and 30s age-groups.

Mal said that, 'Dave and Jenny and their team are, in my view, heading up what is already becoming one of England's most creative churches. It's God's way to take a vibrant and bold faith community like this one and place it in a very working-class environment, where others have said nothing will ever happen!'

The response to Mal's ministry was outstanding. Dave Gilpin said to his church, 'It's very rarely that I've ever heard preaching like that! That was incredible.'

Hope City are now planting churches in Manchester and Liverpool.

Dave Gilpin is an author and Hope City Church also sponsors a new leadership magazine in the UK known as 'V3 Leadership'. For more on this great church and on thie magazine, go to
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Mal, a massive thanks from a baby boomer & a gen-Xer who had the priviledge of being inspired by you at the ALC Leadership Academy. You have really helped make sense of the world that we are seeking to influence...
Nigel & Christine, United Kingdom

I want to commend you for the good work you are doing. I'm a 28 year old minister [in Ghana] whom God has called to ... bring together God's people to fight against issues that are killing the youth of today. [My ministry] would like to affiliate itself with your ministry.
prophet alfred , Ghana

Thanks for putting your free podcasts on your website. Spread the word! Tonight I listened to 'Living with Excellence' - a fantastic message, professionally delivered with humour, clarity and compassion. Thank you Mal!
Christer, United Kingdom

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