Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
'Over the past few years,' says Mal Fletcher, 'We've had so many people asking for DVDs or videos of the EDGES series that we thought it was time to do something about it!' Next Wave International has linked up with WORD Australia to release the first EDGES DVDs in the next few months. This release will hit Christian bookstores throughout Australia and New Zealand.
The release date is still to be announced - watch our website for more. NWI is now also seeking a co-edition distributor for DVDs in the UK and the USA. While you're waiting for the DVDs, check out a few of the programs online:
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Great article, Mal! I placed a link to it on my blog today and have had very positive feedback from people who have read it. Mark Connor, Australia
Mal, I'm from Germany but the last time we met was in Johannesburg during the Rhema Conference... I identify with what you are doing & hope it encourages to let you know that there are folks praying for you. Ben, Germany
Your message, 'A REAL Christmas Story', has made it an awesome Christmas for us already... Jim, Australia