Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
Lisbon, Portugal has now been added for the Operation: Influence program set for the European autumn of 2004.
The goal of Operation: Influence is to lift the influence of European churches in the wider community. The major focus will be a series of leadership MasterClass events in key European centres. The 'Centro Christao Vido Abundante' in Lisbon, a growing and influential church, will co-host MasterClass on November 26-27. This event will follow MasterClasses in Germany (Kassell, October 6-7) and England (Sheffield, October 9).
Next Wave International™ MasterClasses have trained more than 1500 pastors and leaders across Europe over the past five years. Note: The first Australian MasterClass will take place in Melbourne, November 9-11. For more on MasterClass, go to:
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I've been listening to a lot of the EDGES shows online and find them highly intellectual and factual and extremely interesting. They're so useful in building my understanding of real issues seen from Christian eyes... I love it! Thanks. Joel, UK
Your social comment gives me great insight into things that don't make a lot of sense to me... Peter, Australia
Thank you for the Daily Recharges, they always speak such amazing insight and revelation to me. It is truly inspiring!! Ruth, Australia