Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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Strategic Leadership For Europe

Added 06 June 2004 View full list    Print version    
The LONDON04 Strategic Leadership Consultation, hosted by Next Wave International™ was a great success. Held over two days in the first week of May, the event brought together 60 church and church network leaders from 15 nations, for strategic discussions on changing the future of Europe through the gospel.

The special focus of discussions was 'Extending the influence of the church in Media'. Lively questions and discussion were sparked by various presenters, who were drawn from both the Christian and secular media worlds.

Opening the event, Mal Fletcher said: 'We are here because we believe that Europe has a future, not just a past. Because we believe that Europe is at a turning point and needs leadership.' After the event, he commented: 'Next year, we will celebrate 10 years of hosting these pan-European meetings but this was the sharpest SLC we've had. There's something very potent about bringing together major apostolic leaders who represent not just churches, but networks and nations.'

Nations represented were: Norway, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, England, Scotland, Portugal, Spain, France, Latvia, Russia, Sweden, USA, Australia, South Africa. Our thanks to Hillsong Church, London, who helped to facilitate the event.
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Excellent web sites and presentations! Sound teaching, scriptural enlightenment, etc.
L. Jeff, Australia

I watched Mal's inspiring EDGES presentation on bioethics. Scientists who do genuine research are a boon to humanity. Physicians do everything they can, fighting to save a life. This is based on the image of the Creator in every human being.
Rev Canon Dr Lakshman Peiris

Mal, your message is revolutionary - the prophetic voice our nation and world needs. Your insight into how things are, have been and will be never cease to amaze me and move me to a higher level. Thankyou for inspiring me to grow. You rock!
Ben, United Kingdom

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