Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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Strategic Leadership Consultation for Europe

Added 05 April 2000 View full list    Print version    
The Strategic Leadership Consultation held in Copenhagen from April 27 to 29 brought together 25 of Europe's 'movers and shakers' in the area of senior church leadership.

Each of these major leaders, some of whom sponsor networks of churches across regions, came together with one thing in mind: to build strategic alliances across nations and denominations and to get the 'big picture' of what God is doing in Europe.

As Mal Fletcher, host for the event, said in his opening remarks: 'We need to build relationships on three levels: friendship, alliances and covenants. Alliances are partnerships built around a common goal. Covenants are partnerships that have gone that one step higher to become long-standing, total-loyalty commitments of one leader to another, in good seasons and in bad.'

The meeting featured presentations and discussion on the following major subjects:
- Using the Internet & Media in outreach and training
- Church Planting: Raising a generation of pioneers
- From Conservative to Contemporary Church: Making the changes
and much more.

This meeting attracted invited leaders from 10 nations. Several initiatives will flow from this meeting - watch for more.

SLC will continue to stand together to build Europe's future for the Lord.
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A beautiful response to the Mike Gug story. Mal you are a champ; you put into words what I feel. There but for God's grace, go I...
Lydiia, Australia

Mal, I heard you speak at Abundant Life Church. I came straight home from hearing you to send this email & will follow Next Wave & EDGES TV.
Jack, United Kingdom

EDGES: what fantastic well presented programmes, with excellent answers to current issues. I have not come across anything like EDGES. I just want to absorb as much of the info as possible! Thankyou for such Godly insight.
Anon, UK

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