Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

MasterClass For German Speakers

Added 18 October 2004 View full list    Print version    
The city of Kassell sits near the geographical centre of Germany. The first Next Wave International MasterClass for German speaking leaders was recently held just outside Kassell.

More than 70 leaders attended the two-day event from various parts of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, with a few from the Netherlands also joining in. Mal Fletcher and Bayless Conley (USA) shared the sessions on communication, leadership, media and generational and cultural shifts.

The event was co-hosted by Answers with Bayless Conley, a TV program that is seen on MSNBC in Europe and has a wide following among churches in Germany. In fact, Bayless and his German-based team were involved in a two-week outreach tour, which also included a satellite hook-up across many churches.

Markus Rapp, representing Answers in Germany, co-hosted the MasterClass. He and his wife Sunni have a passion to help awaken the sleeping spiritual giant that is the German-speaking world.

After the MasterClass, Mal Fletcher said: 'This event really planted the flag for this kind of training in Germany. The response we've had has been overwhelmingly positive. This is just the beginning, and we'll be working to see many more leaders at the second German MasterClass, in 2005.'

Dates for the next German MasterClass will be set soon. A possible Swiss MasterClass is also in the pipeline. Watch this space…
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Wynne Lewis was a very dear friend of ours. We have many fond memories & we shall never forget him.
Jeannie & Leonard Mason, Select a Country

Hey Mal, I'm in Melbourne & grabbed your book Making God Famous. I was inspired as you told the story of leaving Youth Alive & going to Europe. People who maintain their passion are an encouragement to us all.
Gerry, Australia

Hi Mal, you recently preached at our Sunday service at Rhema Bible Church in Joburg, South Africa. You preached God's word with such simplicity and I left church feeling really inspired. It's been a blessing going through the articles on this site.
Elaine, South Africa

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