Major Christian Broadcasters Meet in UK
In November, Christian broadcasters from across the UK met in Stoke-on-Trent for two days of sharing, prayer, inspiration and ideas-exchange.
The Christian Broadcasting Council represents much of the charismatic/evangelical wing of the church, bringing together the leaders of broadcasting outlets in TV and radio with the aim of lifting the Christian presence in the UK media. Mal Fletcher was one of the featured speakers this year. At this, his second appearance at the event, Mal brought a message entitled 'Interest to Influence'. It dealt with turning people's interest in a media product into long-lasting influence.
Chris Cole, a member of the board of CBC and director of the Cross Rhythms group of ministries, emphasised the need for Christian broadcasters to reach consensus on, for example, the right approach to government bodies whose policies regulate media output.
Mal Fletcher says: 'Christian broadcasting is at a major turning point in the UK right now, I think. Leaders in this field are grappling with the issues of how Christians should be seeking to communicate through media.'
'How can we bring Christian truth into people's lives without appearing simply to preach at them? How can Christians maintain a vital presence in the realm of mainstream creativity and ideas?'
'These are big questions,' Mal adds, 'and I commend the leadership and membership of CBC for seeking answers, with a passion for God and people in their hearts.'
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