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Norwich Church Set For Big Things

Added 14 December 2004 View full list    Print version    
In their promotional material, the Norwich business community call it 'The UK's other city'.

Historically, Norwich once competed with London to become England's capital. Today, it is once again pushing itself forward as a major centre for business, creativity and family lifestyle.

Mal Fletcher spoke recently for Proclaimers Church, Norwich and found a church with a determination to put Norwich on the map as a centre of Christian influence.

'Proclaimers Church Norwich has been through a lot over the past year,' said Mal after the weekend. 'There's been a lot of pressure, especially for the leadership.'

'But there is a great buzz around the place just now – as if people are expecting big things in the next few months.'

'Personally, I'm convinced that if they keep going the way they are these people will build one of the most significant churches in the region and the country. I'd really urge our friends to pray for them.'

The church is led by Pastor Tom and Denise Rawls, long time friends of Mal and Davina Fletcher. Tom was a successful church planter in Australia before taking on a leadership role with World Vision International for a number of years.

On his visit, Mal also spoke to church pastors and emerging leaders during two days of leadership sessions.

'Norwich is obviously a key centre in its region of the UK,' adds Mal. 'There's no doubt in my mind that we could see large and resourceful churches growing across the city over the next few years.'

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Mal, you have changed my life. Since you spoke at Get Smart Youth Conference in Wellington, in 2003, I have never been the same. I still have the tape & my heart & head are still coming to grips with what you said. The pioneer spirit. I LOVE IT!! Thank you so so so so much!
Kieran, New Zealand

I'm in the British Army and a very strong practicing Christian. Everything inside me is screaming ... we are now having to have multi-faith prayer rooms. Where will it end?
Dawn, United Kingdom

Hi Mal and team. The article on the Danish cartoons is well written.
Lance, Australia

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