Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
training organizations to engage the future & move society forward
in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

NWI: 'Generations' MasterClass Tours Australia

Added 07 March 2005 View full list    Print version    
In July, Next Wave International™ will launch MasterClass in Australia with a national five-city tour.

The special 'Generations' MasterClass tour will feature Mal Fletcher, Danny Guglielmucci and Russell Evans and is co-sponsored by PlanetShakers and the EdgeNet leadership network.

Driven both by Mal's extensive experience and study of generational shifts and how they affect the church, and the wide knowledge and communication skills of Danny and Russell, each of these one day events will be a highlight.

For more details on tour dates, watch the MasterClass online website, at
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Your Feedback
I want to congratulate Mal and the Edges team for excellent and uplifting material; it has meant so much for me... Thanks all!
Rikus, UK

I'm 21 & I'd just like to say what an excellent programme you've created, in EDGES. In a world where image is everything, a lack of excellence often distracts people from the main point.
Ben, United Kingdom

I've just finished watching your EDGES program about morals. I really enjoyed it, I feel morals are constantly being eroded away...God created sex for marriage, it's not a toy for exploitation by the media ...Keep up the good work.
Mario, Australia

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