Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is training organizations to engage the future & move society forward in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher
In July, Next Wave International™ will launch MasterClass in Australia with a national five-city tour.
The special 'Generations' MasterClass tour will feature Mal Fletcher, Danny Guglielmucci and Russell Evans and is co-sponsored by PlanetShakers and the EdgeNet leadership network.
Driven both by Mal's extensive experience and study of generational shifts and how they affect the church, and the wide knowledge and communication skills of Danny and Russell, each of these one day events will be a highlight.
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A great article on 'Hybrid Stem Cell Research'! It is not only highly relevant to current research but also shows how just a little initial compromise will eventually cause an unstoppable downslide in ethical standards with irreversible outcomes. Ann, Australia
I've just been browsing this site for the first time & am feeling very blessed to have such valuable resource at my fingertips. If you need any help with editing, I'd love to assist by correspondence. Emily, Australia
I'm in the British Army and a very strong practicing Christian. Everything inside me is screaming ... we are now having to have multi-faith prayer rooms. Where will it end? Dawn, United Kingdom