Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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Amazing Miracles in Birmingham!

Added 18 September 2000 View full list    Print version    
Renewal Christian Centre, Sollihull, is experiencing some amazing miracles of healing right now.

Pastor David Carr and his team have seen consistent healings of the sick and other miracles in recent weeks. The church is growing fast and the weekly prayer meetings -- which once drew only 40 people -- are now bringing 450 each week.

When Mal Fletcher ministered in the church recently, he was deeply impressed with the atmosphere of faith. He spoke on the purpose of revival, which is reform.

'Revival is God's wake up call to the church,' he said. 'Many people hear the alarm go off then roll over and hit the snooze button. As a result, they miss their most important appointment.'

'Many in the church are doing just that -- hearing the wake up call of a reviving experience, then hitting the snooze button and missing their most important appointment, which is to influence their world in a significant way.'

This church of over 1000 people is now running a well known conference centre which attracts seminars for large corporations such as Microsoft. The Birmingham area is one of Britain's most economically diverse -- with wealth and poverty living side by side -- and one of its most spiritually in need.

It's a church which is already having a major influence in local government and other circles and, with the power generated in this time of special inspiration, it is headed for greater influence in the Birmingham region and beyond.
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Your Feedback
I attended MasterClass in London and got so much good out of it - thank you so much.
Reija, Finland

I read Mal Fletcher's comment on the Jokela Shooting in Finland. He seems to be very well educated on the Finnish mentality... I got saved earlier last year & before I knew God I was in darkness & used to have same kind of thoughts this shooter had. I can only pray that God will heal this country with his Spirit.
Matti, Finland

Just wanted to let you know that what you are doing is affecting and impacting lives beyond what you see. It is helping to keep us sharp as a church.
Chris, USA

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