Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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SLC06: Major Futurists Speak to Church Leaders

Added 23 February 2006 View full list    Print version    
Two of the world's leading futurists will address major church leaders at a unique round-table meeting in May.

The Strategic Leadership Consultation (SLC), hosted by Next Wave International, will bring together invited leaders of church networks and national ministries to discuss the future of Europe.

The event will be held in the sunny south of Spain on May 4-6, in the beautiful village of Mijas, overlooking the beaches of the Costa del Sol.

Special guest contributors at SLC06: Europe 2020 include:
  • Dr. Tom Sine … Christian futurist and acclaimed author, Tom is helping church organisations (and government bodies) around the world to prepare for change. His books include Wild Hope and Mustard Seed vs. McWorld. He is also an adjunct professor for Fuller Theological Seminary. He is keynote speaker for the entire event.
  • Dr. Patrick Dixon … Europe’s leading futurist, Patrick was recently voted among the top 20 business thinkers in the world today. His corporate clients include IBM and Microsoft. A committed Christian, Patrick also runs social action programs around the world. He will contribute via a special SLC06 interview.

    Europe is changing fast. The summit will discuss answers to questions such as these:

  • What are the biggest opportunities for influence among churches over the next 10-15 years?
  • What special challenges will the church face in that time?
  • How can churches and church networks prepare to be proactive, offering real hope in the face of rapid change?
  • How can the church in Europe achieve maximum influence over the next few years?

    Mal Fletcher, founder and host of the annual SLC events, says: 'Real influence does not come from how well we celebrate the past, or enjoy the present; it comes from how much we engage the future.'

    'If Christian leaders don't help reinvent the future of their cities for good, someone else's vision of that future will reinvent us!'

    SLC06: Europe 2020 is an invitation event. Invitations are extended to leaders of church networks and national or regional ministries (i.e. leaders of other church leaders).

    If you know of someone you feel should receive a personal invitation from Mal, please write ASAP to:, giving:
  • the person's name and email address
  • the network or organisation they represent
  • why you feel they should be invited.

    Space is limited and bookings close in April.

  • Keywords: SLC | SLC06 | Strategic Leadership Consultation | Europe 2020 | church leaders | church networks | the future | Mal Fletcher | Next Wave International

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