The Church of 2020 -- New Kind Of Futurism
Mal Fletcher's new book, 'The Church Of 2020', was released this month during the 'Europe 2020' church leadership summit in southern Spain.
Leaders from 17 nations worldwide gathered for a unique summit on the future of Europe and how Christians can respond proactively to likely changes coming to our world. The book launch followed Mal's keynote session also called 'The Church of 2020'.
The book outlines some of those major changes and shows how Christians, churches and leaders in every sphere of life can positively the future of cities.
Whether you're a leader in business, education, media or in any other sphere of influence, or someone who aspires to be a shape the future right where you are, this book is for you!
Mal's extensive research and engaging writing style combine to provide a colourful look at what influential Christians and churches will look like in 10 to 15 years' time.
This is Christian futurism at its best - filled with realism, insight and hope. It is not sci-fi stuff, but an application of future-minded faith.
From the back cover of the book:
'If we don't invent the future someone else's vision of the future will reinvent us. Contemporary church is great, but it's not enough: we are in touch with the times so that we can become prophetic, ahead of the times. Christians should be the most future-friendly people on earth, because they serve a future-minded Lord. The future is not to be feared but embraced, with boldness and creative faith. True influence does not come from how well we celebrate the past or enjoy the present; it comes from how well we engage with the future.'
Read an extract (pdf) or purchase your book or e-book today via our webshop. nextwaveonline.com.
Keywords: Church of 2020 | Futurism | Christian futurism | Mal Fletcher | Europe 2020
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Excellent web sites and presentations! Sound teaching, scriptural enlightenment, etc.
L. Jeff, Australia
Mal, the Lord gives you deep and important insights into many current issues. Thanks for being faithful to him.
Mal, your message is revolutionary - the prophetic voice our nation and world needs. Your insight into how things are, have been and will be never cease to amaze me and move me to a higher level. Thankyou for inspiring me to grow. You rock!
Ben, United Kingdom
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