Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group which is
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Media And Sensationalism

Added 27 June 2006 View full list    Print version    
How much do national media distort stories affecting local communities and in the process bring more division?

That was the focus of an interview panel session chaired by Mal Fletcher during the recent Churches Media Council conference in the UK. The discussion also dealt with the role of media - and especially Christians in mainstream media - in bringing reconciliation to difficult communities.

Guests panelists included Barnie Choudhury, a respected BBC TV journalist; Nick Carter, editor of the Leicester Mercury, one of the UK's leading regional daily newspapers; Eustice Constance, a leader with the Street Pastors group and Fran Beckett, Chief Executive of the Church Urban Fund, working to resource the Church of England's urban ministry.

To hear the stream of this session or download the session in mp3 format (0.5MB), click here.

Keywords: Churches Media Council | Mal Fletcher | Building Communities | Barnie Choudhury | Nick Carter | Fran Beckett | Eustice Constance | BBC | Leicester Mercury | Street Pastors

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Mal, you are the man! Great insights on how to stay focused on the truth in a "post-Christian" society and present the message of Jesus in a relevant way to secularized Europeans. Keep it up!
Brad, United Kingdom

I was quite surprised to see the EDGES website - a human-transparent site with an inclination towards God. I really like the way you are posting your brilliant reports about issues. Keep up your good work.
Pavel, Russia

I often check out your recommended reading section, which includes some excellent books. There's a new title which I highly recommend: 'Simply Christian' by N.T. (Tom) Wright (Bishop of Durham)...
Ann, Australia

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