Faith Camp Major Breakthrough
VideoPhone Clip1 (Main Stage)
VideoPhone Clip2 (Youth Stage)
Faith Camp has long been known as one of the preeminent Christian events on the evangelical/charismatic calendar in the UK.
The event has a reputation for quality teaching and powerfully impacting sessions. This year was no exception.
The event, pioneered back in 1986 by Pastor Colin Urquhart, draws 6000 people to the large showgrounds in Peterborough, England.
This year's event was hosted by Pastor Colin and his son, Pastor Clive, the senior minister of Kingdom Faith in Horsham, the church at the center of the extensive Kingdom Faith network.
This year, Mal Fletcher was one of the major featured speakers. He spoke for one session in the youth event, which was very powerful, before speaking at three sessions in the main tent.
The final session in particular was a highlight, as Mal shared with great passion and insight about where the church in Europe is today, and the emerging pioneer spirit within the church.
After the sessions, he said (wearily): 'In large conferences like this one, I'm always aware that we're potentially influencing cities. As people go back to their homes and churches, they will carry a much larger vision. They'll see that they're not simply called to attend a church, but in cooperation with other Christians, to reshape a city.'
'That final session was particularly powerful. God was there in a very real and tangible way.'
'He certainly put his unique seal on what was said.'
The end of the session saw many hundreds crowding the front of the tent, crying out to God for a new pioneer spirit to emerge in the church across Europe.
In particular, prayers were made for the Anglican Church and its current problems, for peace in the Middle East, for the political leaders of the UK, among other things.
At the end of the meeting, Pastor Clive Urquhart was leading as a huge roar went up from the crowd, something which was not staged or planned.
'That,' said Mal, 'was truly a "God moment".'
You will soon be able to hear Mal's messages from Faith Camp on this site.
For more on Kingdom Faith and its network of churches, go to www.kingdomfaith.com.
There you will also find details about the forthcoming GENERATIONS MasterClass with Mal Fletcher, co-hosted by Kingdom Faith. You can book online at Kingdom Faith's site.
Keywords: Faith Camp | Kingdom Faith | Colin Urquhart | Clive Urquhart | Mal Fletcher | MasterClass | Master Class | Generations
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Hi Mal. I heard you last week on the radio when I was at work here in Amsterdam! Fun to hear your voice.
Jolanda, Netherlands
I believe EDGES is a great thought-provoking program that does Christians proud.
Sarah, Australia
Just read The Pioneer Spirit & I've been completely inspired. Thanks for your ongoing dedication to building the Kingdom & for your passion to making Jesus famous!
Dale Newman, UK
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