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More Bravehearts Let Loose - Glasgow

Added 01 April 2001 View full list    Print version    
Glasgow, Scotland, is definitely not a city for the faint-hearted!

Famous for its love of football and a rowdy good time, this city has come a long way in recent years, developing a strong cultural heart and a 'can-do' mentality.

As is often the case, this is being shaped by the vibrant life of some of the churches in the city, particularly churches like Covenant Life, which is drawing hundreds of people through its doors every week.

This church, just a decade old, is successfully reaching out to young and old alike with a variety of cutting edge programs designed to express the contemporary relevance and prophetic edge of Christian faith.

Andrew Owen, pastor and founder of the church, heads a team who are committed to building a model church for the whole of Scotland.

What started with just a handful of people meeting in a hotel room, has grown to occupy a large and historic former Church of Scotland building, which would have closed down had it not been for the vision of this new church. The building, which has been purchased by Abundant Life, is being rennovated inside to take on a very contemporary feel while respecting the church's history.

In March, Mal Fletcher spoke to leaders from across Glasgow, and then to the church itself. The results were exciting, with people released to have new influence in the community.

After this second visit to the church, and third to the city, Mal said, 'One of the things that really impresses me about this church -- aside from the positive, big-thinking attitude of its pastors -- is the number of outstanding young adult leaders who are emerging from its ranks. You can see that this is a group of people who have a very strong eye on the future and a clear idea of what God has raised them up to accomplish in the long term. This is a great church -- and the best is yet to come.'

Pastor Owen and his team have an immediate goal of breaking what they call the 'One Thousand Barrier' -- attracting one thousand people every Sunday. They are well on the way to that goal, and are also planting new churches in Germany.

Mal adds: 'John Knox, the great Scottish reformer, prayed "Give me Scotland or I die". There's some of that same spirit in this church. I'm going to be watching it with interest!'

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Excellent web sites and presentations! Sound teaching, scriptural enlightenment, etc.
L. Jeff, Australia

Mal, the Lord gives you deep and important insights into many current issues. Thanks for being faithful to him.

Mal, your message is revolutionary - the prophetic voice our nation and world needs. Your insight into how things are, have been and will be never cease to amaze me and move me to a higher level. Thankyou for inspiring me to grow. You rock!
Ben, United Kingdom

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