Next Wave International Next Wave International™ is a faith-based communications group >which is
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in a positive direction. Founder / Director: Mal Fletcher

Christmas Shopping for the Brain!

Added 10 November 2007 View full list    Print version    

Aah, Christmas is close. Or should that be 'Aaaargh! Christmas is close!'?

Avoid the last minute brain-stretching, feet-aching search for the right Christmas present! Grab some of Mal Fletcher's popular books for friends today.

From classics like 'Making God Famous' and 'The Pioneer Spirit', to the very popular leadership titles 'The Future is X' and 'The Church of 2020' - you're sure to find something that appeals to any thinking compadre!

While you're at it, treat YOURSELF ... a copy of the latest hot title 'FIVE BIG IDEAS: Concepts That Shape Our Culture.'

Seriously, no culture warrior should be without this one!

Paperbacks and all kinds of e-book formats are available right now at our popular Webshop.

Get your orders in now in plenty of time for Christmas!

Keywords: Five Big Ideas | Christmas shopping | Christian Christmas | Mal Fletcher | Church of 2020 | Future is X | perfect Christian gift

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Your Feedback
Passion: I think it flew out the window the moment political correctnes reared its ugly head! So much in the world today is bland and lacking in intensity but I don't want to calm down!
Ann, Australia

It was great to hear Mal teach at our church last night, he really made me think outside the box. His message was challenging and educational. A big thank you to everyone at Next Wave for all you do.
Darran, United Kingdom

Hi Mal. I heard you last week on the radio when I was at work here in Amsterdam! Fun to hear your voice.
Jolanda, Netherlands

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